Saturday, October 17, 2009

San Francisco – Day One

Today we departed Seattle and flew to San Francisco. We’re in the Bay area because I’m participating in the Women’s Nike Half Marathon. :)

Payton did awesome on the plane even with the 2 hour delay. We were lucky to have an empty seat in our row, so he had some play room. Here is a video I took of him on the plane.

When we finally got to San Francisco, we took the BART to downtown’s Union Square where we checked in to our hotel. We got our selves situated and had some play time with Payton.

Play area for Payton


  Hotel Lobby


After hanging out in the hotel, we went to the Expotique for the Half Marathon that was in Union Square. At the expo, I picked up my number & running chip, did their gait analysis, and tasted a few samples. I was actually disappointed in the Expo because it was pretty small compared to other ones I’ve been to.  There weren’t any other outside vendors so not many samples and free stuff. But since I had a nike+ sportband, I did got a cool Nike Dri-fit hat.

Here is a pic and video of the gait analysis they did. They videotaped me running on a treadmill (of course with their new shoe, the Lunar glide) to get an idea of how I run. The shoe was actually pretty comfortable.


According to their analysis my gait is:

Neutral: The outside of the heel strikes the ground first and the foot rolls inward. The foot pronates within normal limits.

Here are some other pics from today:

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For dinner, we met up for sushi with my Cousin Ryan and his wife Tereasa.




Ryan and Tereasa w/ Payton.

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