Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Payton reading video

Payton reading Green Eggs and Ham with Daddy.


At the library videos

Collin playing

Payton using computer

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Collin walks outside

Took Collin out walking today.

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Payton still loves the slide.


Collin also enjoyed the slide with Daddy.

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And of course, climbing up the stairs of the play structure.

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Back in the stroller but happy. :)

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Collin walking better

Collin has improved on his walking skills.

Collin pics from today.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Payton reading w/ Daddy

Payton actually recognizes some words.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Collin saying Mom on video, Payton counting, & playground

Got a cute video of Collin saying mom this morning.

Took out the numbers puzzle for Payton today. He did really well counting and putting them together. Check out these videos.

This one was taken while Collin was napping.

This one was taken later at night. Payton’s a pro at it by now. :)

Today we also went outside. 55 degrees and not much snow left, means great playground weather. Here are a few pics I took with my phone. Payton had a blast running around the neighborhood. So much fun, it didn’t take him long to nap when we got home. :)

 Photo Jan 24, 2 16 13 PM Photo Jan 24, 3 29 36 PMPhoto Jan 24, 3 29 00 PM

Monday, January 23, 2012

More Payton painting

Today I had Payton paint on a little canvas for the first time.

Photo Jan 23, 11 05 04 AM

The finished product.

Photo Jan 23, 11 15 44 AM 

He did another painting and here are some videos.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Morning video & Sledding

Here’s a video of Payton this morning. Sometimes he surprises us with what he knows.

Took both boys out in the snow today. Got them on the sled. It was fun! Even for me. :)

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Sledding videos:


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow & puzzles

Last night it snowed and we got 3-4 inches. Payton enjoyed waking around in the snow.

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Video of Payton out in the snow.


Payton has gotten into puzzles lately. He’s getting pretty good at this one.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Collin pic

Went out to dinner and discovered Collin can drink from a straw. It didn’t take him long to figure it out. :)

Photo Jan 20, 7 26 36 PM

Thursday, January 19, 2012